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Natasha Crain

On January 23rd, Dayton Apologetics will have our monthly meeting at Victory Christian Church at 7:00pm. Natasha Crain, our special guest, will speak to us via a Zoom connection.  


This meeting format will be a Q&A session moderated by Dennis Hess, with discussions about her newest book, "When Culture Hates You." We will also encourage questions from the audience.


We want to invite all of you to come and pass the word around to promote this event. The book will be coming out on Feb.4th.  See you then!

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4th Thursdays

Englewood Panera Bread

Bread of Life / Stand To Reason Outpost

Jan 13, 20; Feb 3, 17; Mar 3, 17

Englewood Public Library

Case Makers -- 6-7:30pm


Victory Christian

Monthly Meeting 7pm

The Panera Ministry is designed to provide honest answers to honest questions to build bridges. We're seeking to train and equip the church on how to hurdle the language barrier in defining the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a Postmodern culture.

Focused on defining the essentials of the Biblical worldview in the context of discipleship and mentoring. Our desire is to go "from the milk to the meat," expounding Biblical theology and Bible exegesis to live in the Bible.

Featuring rotating guests of apologetic speakers from around the Dayton area to learn how to engage the culture we live in. This provides an excellent opportunity to meet and talk with others interested in apologetics from a historical Christian worldview.

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