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What is Clear Truth?

Clear Truth Media 2024

Clear Truth Media
What is Clear Truth?





Acts 4 Peter, John:  truth suppressors will turn to persecution in order to preserve power (accuse, lie, kill;  annoy, arrest, assasinate).

     3 Truth-Suppressing Tactics Rom 1:18

1.  Demean the oppositions education & status, attack the individual (logical falacy is ad-hominem)

2.  Ignore the facts and appeal to feelings or lies, and make decisions based on those, to change the narrative.

3.  Use whatever means neccisary to suppress their ability to commuicate the truth, threaten them, and ultimately look to punish them.

Acts 5:20-21 - Peter took stand to teach.  

Clear truth is the unfiltered Word of God preached in a compassionate & bold way that calls people to repent, transform, & worship. 

     3 Motivations:

1.  Please God & not man  Gal 1:10. 

     The Bible is as relevant today as the day that it was written Rom 15:4

     The sufficiency of scripture to transform the human heart in today's world Heb 4:12

2.  Set people free (from slavery of sin) John 8:32, John 17:17

3.  Restore truth in the public square Is 59:14-15

     2 Lies:

1.  It's not the loving thing to do Lev 19:17 - must have logic in order to love!

2.  You will divide the church.  Maybe should be more concerned about discipling than dividing?!  Do have a church or a social club?

     3 Benefits to Preaching Truth:
1.  Your church will grow numerically...or it won't.  Either way, do it.

2.  You church will grow spiritually.

3.  You will develop a backbone.

A small country church plant kicked out of their rental theater due to Covid-19, evaluates the devils playbook & tactics, in order for their church to speak truth to power, as power tries to suppress the truth.

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