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Reformation War Room: Jon Harris


January 29, 2022


Shelbyville, KY

Jon Harris

Social Justice Goes to Church
Christianity and Social Justice

What's up with social justice, lived experience, priviledge, systemic racism, intersectionality, reparations, "whiteness", sexual injustice, gay pastors or "christians"? What do these words mean? Are messages from Matt Chandler, David Platt, Tim Keller, John Piper, Duke Kwon, Eric Mason (Woke Church, Urban Apologetics), Jemar Tisby (How to Fight Racism, Color of Compromise), The Gospel Colition, and others seem a bit off-kilter the past several years? Is this simply a syncetized non-Biblical worldview?

Join Jon Harris of Conversations that Matter (youtube, site) author of Social Justice Goes to Church and Christianity and Social Justice, to explain the roots of these subjective syncretized "christianity" with liberation theology, socialism, and progressive/woke evangelicalism. In contrast to biblical, historical, objective truth as.

Promo video:


Jon Harris presentation slides:

Recap video:


Pre conference interview with speaker/author Jon Harris & pastor of Reformation Church of Shelbyville KY

Social Justice Goes to Church trailer

Also recommend Fault Lines, Christianity & Wokeness, Woke Jesus, Woke-Free Church.

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