Mondays at Panera Bread 25/01/13
Atheism bumping into Reality
January 13, 2025
Englewood, OH
6:00 PM
The common worldview among atheists is variously called “physicalism,” “materialism,” or “naturalism,” since the basic concept asserts that reality consists of nothing but the physical, material world governed by nothing but natural law. In the upcoming classes, we will be delving into a study called "Atheism: Bumping into Reality" by STR. During these classes, we will perform a critique of naturalism, developing three solid lines of reasoning to show naturalism’s inadequacy and Christianity’s superior “explanatory power” as a reliable guide to understanding the world.
The "Outpost" @Panera Bread in Englewood is more than just a traditional Bible Study. Our goal is to fully equip and train individual Christians to plant "Seeds of Truth" in a confused culture who has given up on "Objective Truth". We endeavor to learn and to speak "the Truth" with boldness in Love. Come and bring a friend. See you There!