Knowing Scripture
Practical Tools for Interpreting the Bible (hermanuitics)


Year written
In this expanded edition of Knowing Scripture renowned Reformed theologian and pastor R.C. Sproul not only aids readers in unearthing the meaning of Scripture for themselves, but also explores why it is essential for every Christian to study it in the first place. With his usual common sense and enthusiasm, Sproul both offers clear explanations of eleven basic steps of interpretation, as well as provides simple how-to's for using them. Excellent for beginning Bible readers and experienced students of Scripture, this expanded edition includes a new preface.
About the Author:
R.C. Sproul, theologian, pastor, and founder of Ligonier Ministries.
Many first heard of the five solas of the Reformation through R.C. Sproul’s teaching. When R.C. taught about Martin Luther, it was as if he had met the sixteenth-century Reformer. R.C.’s commitment to sola Scriptura led him to play a key role in drafting and advocating for the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978). He also served as president of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. Because of his commitment to sola fide, justification by faith alone, R.C. took a bold stand of opposition to Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) in 1994. He later opposed the New Perspective on Paul and also the Federal Vision view. Like the Reformers, R.C. was willing to take bold stands for the central and essential doctrines of historic orthodox Christianity. He was a defender of the authority of God’s Word and of the gospel.