Biblical Principles for Political Engagement
Worldview, Issues, & Voting


Year written
Politics, properly understood, is about how groups of humans organize their affairs. By examining God’s Word and exploring the divinely-instituted role of government, this publication explains why Christians ought to be politically engaged and how to do so in a manner consistent with a biblical worldview. It also offers advice to pastors on navigating sensitive moral questions and shepherding their congregations well.
What Issues are most clear from Scripture?
Marriage & Sexuality
Partiality & Ethnicity/Race
Article adds Biblical Reflection and Practical Application.
About the Author:
David Closson serves as the Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council. He researches and writes on life, human sexuality, religious liberty, and related issues from a biblical worldview.
David is the author of FRC's Biblical Worldview Series, which seeks to help Christians and Christian leaders apply the teachings of the Bible to difficult moral questions.
While in seminary, he served as a Teaching Assistant for courses including Introduction to Christian Ethics, Systematic Theology I, Personal Spiritual Disciplines, and Southern Baptist Heritage and Mission. He also served as an assistant to the Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Seminary for two years.
David has served as a Program Leader for Covenant Journey, leading trips to Israel designed to strengthen Christian college students in their faith through an experiential journey of biblical and modern Israel. He has served on staff or as an ordained deacon at churches in Florida and Kentucky. He also interned for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.
His writing has appeared at Fox News, Real Clear Politics, National Review, The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Decision Magazine, WORLD Opinions, The Gospel Coalition, Townhall, and Christian Post. David is the co-author of Male and Female He Created Them: A Study on Identity, Sexuality, and Marriage (Christian Focus, 2023). David is a regular guest on Washington Watch, FRC's national television and radio program heard on over 800 stations in forty-eight states.
Currently, David is completing a Ph.D. in Christian Ethics at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. David is a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., Th.M.) and the University of Central Florida (B.A., political science, cum laude).
David lives in Washington, D.C. and is a member of Capitol Hill Baptist Church.