EJ Pace

Ernest James Pace was born in Columbus, Ohio USA in 1880. At age nineteen, he moved to Chicago to do cartooning for the daily Journal. Pace later recalled, "There in that great city I met Larsen, a Dane, whose beautiful Christian life and personal efforts won me to Christ. My conversion was of the revolutionary kind, positive and complete, like stepping out of a deep, dark cellar into the blazing light of the noonday." He and his wife were missionaries in the Philippines from 1905 to 1915, after which he earned his doctorate from Princeton Seminary and continued working in the United States. He was a prolific cartoonist with a worldwide impact. He passed away in 1946, and in his obituary, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES reported: "...More than fifteen hundred of Dr. Pace's cartoons have appeared in the TIMES since the first one was published December 2, 1916. Many hundreds, perhaps thousands, were reproduced in tract and poster form, and they have become known throughout the world. The blessings of these cartoons are incalculable." [excerpted from "Dr. E.J. Pace - Christian Comics Pioneer" by Nate Butler and Alec Stevens]